Let's start with this game! This game has a lot of vocabulary. Please ask your teacher if you have any questions about these words. We will register it in Google Meet's chat. Let's watch the following video together: How can you name these activities? What time do you do these activities? Please write an approximate time in the chat: Get Up? Have Breakfast? Brush your teeth? Wash your face? Take a shower? Get dressed? Go to school? Take classes? Have lunch? Play with friends? Come home? Do your homework? Have dinner? Go to bed? What other activities do you do? Please write them in the chat. Now, we will do a PPT presentation , which you will use to present about your daily routine, including an approximate time when it makes sense. When we finish working on this, you will present your daily routine. I will be asking some questions about your activities. I will ask you about your routine without the presentation, so if you need time to check the vocabulary, you can take it...