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Class XII Would Rather and Had Better

For this class we have the following goals:

  • To identify and apply the use and form of the expressions "would rather" and "had better".

What's the difference between would rather and had better?

Would Rather
Would rather is used when there is a preference.
After would rather, we use the infinitive without to.

 I would rather stay at home than go to a movie. It means....... (I prefer staying at home) 
 I would rather leave. (I would like to leave.) 

 Contracted Would - I'd, He'd, She'd, We'd, You'd, They'd

She'd rather stay with me than go out with you. 
They'd rather play with the baby than change its diaper. 

Would rather in negative form is written WOULD RATHER NOT or I'D RATHER NOT.

would rather not repeat what my colleagues said during that debate.
So would rather not discuss the work programme at this point.

Had Better 
We use had better when we give advice to others. The meaning of had better is similar to should. Had better expresses advice and warning.

You had better watch your steps. 
She had better listen to you. 
It's getting late. I had better go. 

 Contracted form of had better - I'd better, You'd better...

Notice that the contracted forms of had and would are the same and that I'd can be I had or I would so we need to look at the context to see what's meant to be said.

I'd rather lie than to hurt you. (I would) 
I'd better tell the truth. (I had better)

Had better in negative form is written "HAD BETTER NOT" or "I'd better not..."

had better not stay long, sir; it must be near eleven o'clock .
had better not pass my word: I might be obliged to break it.

