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Class V: The Simple Past Tense

For this class we have the following goals:

  • To identify and apply the Past Simple.

What is Past Simple? 


1. Actions finished in the past (single or repeated)

visited Berlin last week.
Andrew watched TV yesterday.
My friends went to Paris a week ago.
My parents ate a lot of junk food when they were young.

2. Series of completed actions in the past

First I got up, then I had bre


How do we form the Simple Past?

We form the Simple Past:
  • with regular verbs: infinitive + -ed
  • with irregular verbs: 2nd column of the table of the irregular verbs

1.1. Affirmative sentences in the Simple Past – regular verbs

  • played with a ball.
  • You played with a ball.
  • He played with a ball.
  • She played with a ball.
  • It played with a ball.
  • We played with a ball.
  • You played with a ball.
  • They played with a ball.

1.2. Affirmative sentences in the Simple Past – irregular verbs

  • went home.
  • You went home.
  • He went home.
  • She went home.
  • It went home.
  • We went home.
  • You went home.
  • They went home.
► Use the same form of the verb every time regardless the subject.

2.1. Negative sentences in the Simple Past – regular verbs

  • did not play with a ball.
  • You did not play with a ball.
  • He did not play with a ball.
  • She did not play with a ball.
  • It did not play with a ball.
  • We did not play with a ball.
  • You did not play with a ball.
  • They did not play with a ball.

2.1. Negative sentences in the Simple Past – irregular verbs

  • did not go home.
  • You did not go home.
  • He did not go home.
  • She did not go home.
  • It did not go home.
  • We did not go home.
  • You did not go home.
  • They did not go home.
Use the auxiliary did (Simple Past of do) every time regardless the subject. akfast.
On Sunday my brother and I went to a nice lake. There we met our friends. We swam in the warm water and playedvolleyball in the afternoon. Too bad that we had to go home in the evening. We didn't want to go to school on Monday.

