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Class IV: The Present Tenses

For this class we have the following goals:

  • To review all the Present Tenses.

How to use present tenses?

  • Watch this video and answer these exercises
    • EX1: Relate each of the present tenses with these concepts:
      • ACTIONS
      • ACTIVITY
      • TRUE FACT
    • EX2: Relate each adverb or key word with each present tense:
      • Yet
      • Always
      • Now
      • Already
      • Today
      • Often
      • Since
      • Listen!
      • For
      • Then
      • Look!
      • At this moment
      • Just
    • EX3: Put these auxiliary verbs in the correct Present Tense.
      • have
      • am
      • has not
      • does
      • is
      • dont
      • are 
      • do
    • EX4: Identify if the following tenses are SIMPLE, CONTINUOUS or PERFECT.
    1. I don't go to that school.
    2. I'm not going to school tomorrow.
    3. I've been a student of that school for 5 years.
    4. Is she singing that song now?
    5. She has just sung that song.
    6. She does not sing everyday.
    7. They have played together since 2014.
    8. They play football.
    9. Are they playing together this week?
    • EX5: Look at EX1 and relate each concept to each of the sentences of EX4.
    • EX6: Some of these sentences are incorrect. Correct if necessary.
    1. We don't go?
    2. She has not a pet.
    3. Do they work here?
    4. I don't understanding the exercise.
    5. He doesn't have a pet.
    6. We don't play.
    7. We are going to school since 2009.
    8. I had have a lot of cats.
    9. They have been a couple since 2015.
    10. People are going to the coast.
    11. She has had the best friends.
    • EX7: Applying the present tenses, write about yourself:
      • One fact
      • One routine
      • Something about a timetable
      • One activity you are doing now
      • One activity you are doing during this week
      • One activity you are planning to do
      • One life experience using
        • Have you ever?
        • Since
        • For
        • Already
        • Just
        • Yet
    • Watch the video of EX1 again and answer the final exercises.
