For this class we have the following goals:
- To review all the Present Tenses.
How to use present tenses?
- Watch this video and answer these exercises
- EX1: Relate each of the present tenses with these concepts:
- EX2: Relate each adverb or key word with each present tense:
- Yet
- Always
- Now
- Already
- Today
- Often
- Since
- Listen!
- For
- Then
- Look!
- At this moment
- Just
- EX3: Put these auxiliary verbs in the correct Present Tense.
- have
- am
- has not
- does
- is
- dont
- are
- do
- EX4: Identify if the following tenses are SIMPLE, CONTINUOUS or PERFECT.
- I don't go to that school.
- I'm not going to school tomorrow.
- I've been a student of that school for 5 years.
- Is she singing that song now?
- She has just sung that song.
- She does not sing everyday.
- They have played together since 2014.
- They play football.
- Are they playing together this week?
- EX5: Look at EX1 and relate each concept to each of the sentences of EX4.
- EX6: Some of these sentences are incorrect. Correct if necessary.
- We don't go?
- She has not a pet.
- Do they work here?
- I don't understanding the exercise.
- He doesn't have a pet.
- We don't play.
- We are going to school since 2009.
- I had have a lot of cats.
- They have been a couple since 2015.
- People are going to the coast.
- She has had the best friends.
- EX7: Applying the present tenses, write about yourself:
- One fact
- One routine
- Something about a timetable
- One activity you are doing now
- One activity you are doing during this week
- One activity you are planning to do
- One life experience using
- Have you ever?
- Since
- For
- Already
- Just
- Yet
- Watch the video of EX1 again and answer the final exercises.
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